jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

The Cuban Era (begins)

I'll be using this space to translate the weightlifting program I'm following under Cuban weightlifting coach, Emilio Lara, at the University of Puerto Rico.

All measurements are in kilograms, unless otherwise noted.

Background: Prior to the first week, I was completely deconditioned. It had been a little over two months since the last time I'd stepped into the gym. The coach asked me what my maxes were. I told him I didn't know where they would be at the time. He asked me for my gym bests (87.5/105), disregarding the fact that I was nowhere near that level at the time. He said he would round 87.5 up to 90 and treat that as my max for the Snatch. These have been the numbers we've been working with as my 100% (although he insists I should already have been snatching 100).

WEEK 1 - Hell week

Day 1

1. Hang Power Snatch - 60x3x3; 70x3x1 (failed 2/3); 65x3x1 (instead of a second set @ 70); 65x2x3; 50x5x2 (drop set)
2. Power Clean + Front Squat + Power Jerk - 60x3x3; 70x3x2; 75x2x3; (forgot to do the drop set @ 60x5x2)
3. Clean Pull - 90x5; 100x5; 110x5
4. Shoulder hypertrophy - 4 x 8 reps
A1. Arnold Press, 20lbs DB
A2. DB Hang Muscle Snatch, 20lbs
5. Biceps and triceps hypertrophy - 4 x 8 reps
B1. DB Curls, 20lbs
B2. Behind the neck 1-DB press, 40lbs

Day 2 - was running late that day, and short on time

1. Hang Power Snatch - 60x3x3; 65x3x2 (failed both sets); 65x2x3 (failed 2/3 sets); (forgot the drop set @ 50x5x2)
2. Power Clean + Front Squat + Power Jerk - 60x3x3; 70x3x2; 75x2x3; 60x5x2 (drop set)
3. Clean Pull - 90x5; 100x5; 110x5

Day 3

1. Muscle Snatch - 40x3x2; 45x3x2; 50x3x2
2. Jerk from the rack - 60x3x2; 70x3x2; 80x3x2; 90x3x2 (failed both sets; shoulders felt very weak)
3. Front Squat - 80x3x3; 90x3x3; 100x3x3 (missed last rep of last set)
4. Shoulder hypertrophy - 3 x 10 reps (after I told him my shoulders didn't feel right; felt better after this)
A1. DB Prone-grip Muscle Clean and Press, 15lbs
A2. DB Lateral Raises, 15lbs
A3. DB High Pull, 15lbs
5. Biceps hypertrophy - 3 x 10 reps
B1. DB Curls (supine grip throughout), 15lbs
B2. DB 90-degree suspended lateral curls (similar to the cable-machine pulls), 10lbs
6. Forearm hypertrophy - 3 x 25 reps
C1. DB Wrist curls, 10lbs

WEEK 2 - started timing the full workouts

Day 1 (Duration 1hr20min)

1. Muscle Snatch - 40x3x2; 45x3x2; 50x3x2
2. Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press - 50x3x2; 60x3x2; 70x3x2
3. Snatch Pull - 70x3x2; 80x3x2; 90x3x2

Day 2 - 24hr walkout @ the university; no training

Day 3 (Hypertrophy day)

1. Chest - 3 x 8 reps
A1. Bench Press, 95lbs
A2. DB Incline Press, 25lbs
A3. DB Incline Chest Fly, 20lbs
2. "Legs" (Back Squat) - 3 rounds of:
B1. 70x5
B2. 80x5
B3. 90x5
B4. 100x5
3. Biceps - 3 x 10 reps
C1. BB Curls, 25kg (used the hips some)
C2. DB Curls (supine), 25lbs (dropped to 20lbs on 2nd set, then 15lbs on last set)
4. Shoulder hypertrophy - 3 x 8 reps
D1. Behind the neck Press, 30kg
D2. Lateral Raise, 10lbs
D3. Arnold Press, 15lbs (DB)


Day 1 - repeat Day 1 from Week 2 (Duration 47min)

1. Muscle Snatch - 40x3x2; 45x3x2; 50x3x2
2. Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press - 50x3x2; 60x3x2; 70x3x2
3. Snatch Pull - 70x3x2; 80x3x2; 90x3x2

Day 2 (Duration 1hr20min)

1. Narrow-grip Snatch (I fucking hate this movement) - 40x3x2; 45x3x2; 50x3x2; 55x2x2
2. Power Snatch - 40x3x2; 45x3x2; 50x3x2; 55x2x2
3. Hang Snacth -  40x3x2; 45x3x2; 50x3x2; 55x2x2
4. Snatch - 40x3x2; 50x3x2; 55x3x2; 60x2x2

Day 3 (Duration 1hr15min)

1. Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press - 60x3x2; 65x2x2; 70x2x2; 75x2x2
2. Hang Clean - 60x3x2; 65x2x2; 70x2x2; 75x2x2
3. Power Clean -  60x3x2; 65x2x2; 70x2x2; 75x2x2
4. Clean & Jerk - 60x3x2; 70x2x2; 75x2x2; 80x2x2 (jerk was shaky and inconsistent throughout)

WEEK 4 (Paused the use of Creatine Monohydrate)

Day 1 - Add 5kg to everything from Day 2 of Week 3 (Duration 1hr40min)

1. Narrow-grip Snatch - 45x3x2; 50x3x2; 55x3x2; 60x2x2
2. Power Snatch - 45x3x2; 50x3x2; 55x3x2; 60x2x2
3. Hang Snacth -  45x3x2; 50x3x2; 55x3x2; 60x2x2
4. Snatch - 45x3x2; 55x3x2; 60x3x2; 65x2x2 (failed last rep)

Day 2 - Add 5kg to everything from Day 3 of Week 3 (Duration 1hr20min)

1. Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press - 65x3x2; 70x2x2; 75x2x2; 80x2x2
2. Hang Clean - 65x3x2; 70x2x2; 75x2x2; 80x2x2
3. Power Clean -  65x3x2; 70x2x2; 75x2x2; 80x2x2
4. Clean & Jerk - 65x3x2; 75x2x2; 80x2x2; 85x2x2

Day 3 - Competition day for the team, so gym was closed. Did hypertrophy stuff at home, as suggested by the coach. (Duration 50min)

1. Chest hypertrophy - 3 x 8 reps
A1. DB Floor Press, 35lbs
A2. DB Incline Press, 25lbs
A3. Incline Chest Fly, 20lbs
2. Arm/shoulder-pulling hypertrophy - 3 rounds
B1. Chinese DB Row (35lbs) x 20
B2. DB Curls (20lbs) x 10
3. Forearm hypertrophy - 3 x 15 reps
C1. DB Wrist Curls, 20lbs

WEEK 5 - Volume increases, in # of sets and load. Started doing cardio on most rest days, as per the coach's recommendation. He wants me to cut body fat. He said I should also do some push-ups.

Day 1 (Duration 1hr50min)

1. Power Snatch - 50x3x3; 55x3x2; 60x3x2; 62.5x2x2
2. Snatch - 55x3x3; 60x2x2; 65x2x2; 70x2x2
3. Power Clean - 50x3x3; 60x3x2; 65x3x2; 70x2x2
4. Clean & Jerk - 60x3x3; 65x2x2; 70x2x2; 80x2x2
5. Back Squat - 90x3x3; 100x3x2; 110x3x2

Day 2 - 20min burpees (79 total); doesn't seem very efficient if I can't keep heart rate up because I need too much time to recover

Day 3 (Duration 1hr50min)

1. Narrow-grip Snatch - 50x3x3; 55x3x2; 60x3x2; 62.5x2x2
2. Hang Snatch - 50x3x3; 55x3x2 (failed 2 reps); 60x3x2; 62.5x2x2
3. Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press - 50x3x3; 60x3x2; 65x3x2; 70x2x2
4. Hang Clean - 50x3x3; 60x3x2; 65x3x2; 70x2x2
5. Front Squat - 80x3x3; 90x3x2; 100x3x2

Day 4 - very light cardio stuff; fared better than burpees

Day 5 (Duration 1hr30min)

1. Snatch - 55x3x3; 60x2x2; 65x2x2; 70x2x2
2. Clean &Jerk - 60x3x3; 65x2x2; 70x2x2; 80x2x2
3. Back Squat - 90x3x3; 100x3x2; 110x3x2

Day 6 - Light hypertrophy and 20min jump rope (separated by 3 hours)

Biceps and triceps hypertrophy - 3 x 10 reps
A1. DB Curls, 25lbs
A2. Behind the neck 1-DB press, 35lbs


Day 1 (Duration 2hr)

1. Power Snatch - 50x3x3; 55x3x2; 60x3x2; 62.5x2x2
2. Snatch - 55x3x3; 60x2x2; 65x2x2; 70x2x2 (failed 1 rep)
3. Power Clean - 50x3x3; 60x3x2; 65x3x2; 70x2x2
4. Clean & Jerk - 60x3x3; 65x2x2; 70x2x2; 80x2x2
5. Back Squat - 90x3x3; 100x3x2; 110x3x2

Day 2 - very light cardio stuff; light hyperptrophy (separated by 2 hours)

Push/pull upper body hypertrophy - 3 x 10 reps
A1. Push-ups
A2. Chinese DB Row, 35lbs

Day 3 (Duration 1hr50min)

1. Narrow-grip Snatch - 50x3x3; 55x3x2; 60x3x2; 62.5x2x2
2. Hang Snatch - 50x3x3; 55x3x2; 60x3x2; 62.5x2x2
3. Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press - 50x3x3; 60x3x2; 65x3x2; 70x2x2
4. Hang Clean - 50x3x3; 60x3x2; 65x3x2; 70x2x2
5. Front Squat - 80x3x3; 90x3x2; 100x3x2

Day 4 - Light hypertrophy and 20min jump rope

Chest hypertrophy - 3 x 10 reps
A1. Push ups
A2. DB Incline Press, 35lbs

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